terça-feira, agosto 17, 2010

13 anos de PS...quinta maior dívida do mundo...!


Nos anos setenta, em plena guerra fria, havia uma velha anedota:

Q: "sabes o resultado de um governo socialista num país do Sahara ao fim de seis meses?"

A: "Não..."

Q/A: destruía de tal maneira o aparelho produtivo que em breve o país estaria a importar areia...

Claro que a anedota visava o sistema económico e político socialista-bolshevista e não a social-democracia/socialismo democrático ocidental...mas...

Veja-se o caso Português....desde 1995 até agora, 13 anos de governo PS...

Entre outros resultados não dignos de orgulho....o facto de sermos a quinta nação mais endividada do mundo....!

Um excerpto:

"Portugal - Debt/GDP: 228%
With last year's deficit coming in at 9.4% of GDP, the Portuguese government has instituted a growth and austerity program with the objective of reducing that number to 2.8% by 2013. These measures have sparked strikes in the public sector including postal and transportation services. Those events have been further propelled by unemployment above 10%, the worst in 40 years.

The root problem has been low productivity and virtually no economic growth in the past few years. Portugal ranks last in GDP growth among countries that adopted the euro as a common currency. Demand for goods and services has stalled, along with innovation and business momentum. In addition, Portugal's exports have been undercut by cheap labor in countries such as China.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/08/12/investopedia46263.DTL#ixzz0wqwJpcXe

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