terça-feira, maio 29, 2007

Sessão de autógrafos na Feira do Livro

No próximo Sábado, dia 02 de Junho, estarei a partir das 18horas no Pavilhão 169 da Feira do Livro (Universidade Católica Editora) autografando o livro e recebendo os amigos.

Paulo Gonçalves Marcos


quinta-feira, maio 24, 2007

Jardim Gonçalves tem poder a mais?

No Diário Económico de hoje o seguinte título:

José Miguel Júdice diz que Jardim Gonçalves já tem poder que chegue
Novas regras criticadas por todos, incluindo a própria consultora do BCP

BMW Z3 e 007: uma aposta na osmose: artigo DE de 23.05.07

O link para o meu artigo mensal, saído hoje, no Diário Económico (sim, tem uma irritante gralha no nome…)


Comentários no site são bem vindos!

Boas e favoráveis recensões do livro Marketing Inovador

O que tem o jornal Público de especial?

Talvez o facto de ser o jornal de referência diário, sem rival cada manhã, seja parte da resposta…

Claro que o facto de na passada sexta-feira (18.05.2007) ter feito uma recensão elogiosa sobre o Livro Marketing Inovador (www.marketinginovador.com), também ajuda…

Depois do Expresso, das Revistas Prémio, Marketeer (mês de Maio) e Flash (16.05.07), do Jornal OJE, da Revista do ICEP ou da Presspectivas (do Grupo de Comunicação YoungNetworks), o distinto Público fez uma recensão.

sexta-feira, maio 11, 2007

Ecofin conclusions on hedge funds

Main results of the Council

The Council adopted conclusions on three interlinked issues relating to financial markets:

  • it acknowledged that hedge funds have contributed significantly to fostering the efficiency of the international financial system, and called on creditors, investors and national authorities to remain vigilant and to adequately assess the potential systemic and operational risks that hedge funds present. It emphasised the need for a better understanding of the characteristics of hedge funds and for adequate investor protection;
  • on asset management, the Council called on the Commission to present a proposal for revision of the directive on UCITS (undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities), so as to cater for the growth of the investment industry and to enhance its potential for further growth.
  • as regards the financial consequences of ageing, the Council called on the member states to work for increased participation and contribution levels of households in non-statutory pension schemes, and asked the Commission to consider work on the development of a single market for retirement products.

Results for Hedge Funds and Financial Stability

The Council adopted the following conclusions.

The Council:

  • EMPHASISES the importance it attaches to an integrated, dynamic and competitive financial marketplace in supporting growth and job creation through proper allocation of capital, including via hedge funds, and financial stability;
  • ACKNOWLEDGES that hedge funds have contributed significantly to fostering the efficiency of the financial system, but also STRESSES the potential systemic and operational risks associated with their activities,
  • NOTES that the so-called 'INDIRECT supervision' approach, through close supervisory monitoring of credit institutions' exposures to hedge funds and progress in upgrading their internal risk management systems, has so far enhanced resilience to systemic shocks; and RECALLS the need for creditors, investors and authorities to remain vigilant and to adequately assess the potential risks that hedge funds present. In this context creditors and investors should also examine whether the current level of transparency of hedge funds' activities is appropriate. In the exercise of their 'indirect supervision', relevant supervisory authorities should monitor developments and cooperate among themselves;
  • STRESSES the need for a better understanding of hedge funds characteristics for proper monitoring of the financial stability impact of hedge funds' activities, and therefore ENCOURAGES all relevant institutions to develop and apply an analytical and evidence-based approach in this area;
  • NOTES that concerns have been expressed regarding increased retail distribution of hedge fund products in some Member States and RECOGNISES the need to ensure adequate investor protection;
  • INVITES therefore the Commission to take all relevant regulatory and market developments into account, in assessing the case for and against providing a Single Market framework for the retail-oriented non-harmonised fund industry, which might include some funds of hedge funds; and LOOKS FORWARD to the Commission's report thereon.